Thank you for visiting this page! As a writer who has chosen to self-publish his own work, any support for getting The Goblin Road out there in more hands is deeply appreciated. I share this page with no set expectations from anyone. We all have our lives, some busier than others, and we all have our own comfort levels that will factor in what we choose to do with our time.
But as a person who is usually very hesitant to ask for support, I have to push beyond my own comfort zone here and ask anyway. These are all optional ways of support listed below. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
SUPPORT # 1: Help me get The Goblin Road into libraries!
If you’re up for approaching your local library with the flyer shown here and asking them to carry a copy of the book, that would be fantastic! You could even then borrow it yourself. I’m including a PDF copy as well, linked below:
SUPPORT # 2: Help me get The Goblin Road into independent bookstores!
Same idea, different approach. Bookstores need to make money from the sales. It may be helpful if this one was done by anyone who bought a copy of my book, to bring as a tangible example of what it looks like. Barnes and Noble Press has done a fantastic job of printing it, surpassing my expectations, because it looks like it would fit right in with other books in their stores. I will personally be reaching out to independent bookstores across the US, but there are too many for me to do on my own. So any assistance here is deeply appreciated.
SUPPORT # 3: Help me promote The Goblin Road’s Barnes & Noble Page on Social Media, including GoodReads!
Every share matters to me. My reach is very much limited, both by my currently small (but important!) number of followers and by algorithms that limit who will see anything I share. So your willingness to share my work is truly meaningful.
Here’s the LINK: The Goblin Road on
SUPPORT # 4: Leave a review on both the Barnes and Noble Page and on Goodreads.
The more reviews I have, the better a chance I have of other readers deciding to read my book. Of course, you’ll want to read the book first!
(note: The Goodreads website currently has the 2009 edition, so please wait until they update it with my new version.)
SUPPORT # 5: If you buy the book, take a photo of it and share on Social Media, tagging me on Facebook or Instagram.
I can be tagged on Facebook with my Munky Mind page
I can be tagged on Instagram with @jparrishlewis